2011 in review

This was cool.  I started my blog in April of 2011, and, I am having a blast.  Starting out, I’m thinking who in the “h e double hockey sticks” is going to read this, and how do you move it forward from there.  Truth be told, it was a bit frightening.  Now, 8 months later, the fear has disappeared and I have found a lot of good things to keep me entertained, and a bunch of really great people in what is actually a thriving community.  Twitter is fun, but 140 characters, not so much.  Facebook, Google+, great way to keep up with friends, but blogging, way more innovative, way more interesting,  and much more creative.  Enough blathering, thanks to all who read this, and I look forward to a terrific 2012, filled with humour, music, travel and whatever else comes our way.  We toast you all.

Have A Great Year!!


The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2011 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 9,100 times in 2011. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 3 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

Author: John

I enjoy travel, sports, music and anything else that jumps up at me for the moment, which is why I blog. There will be lots of travel posts, pictures and our videos as well as a smattering of sports and humor. I enjoy promoting Canada and am unabashedly a proud Albertan

18 thoughts on “2011 in review”

                  1. Actually, Rick Astley embraced it. At the Macys Thanksgiving day parade a few years ago, one of the floats had dancers and recorded music, then the sound of a record needle scratching as the music stopped, and Rick came out on the float and sang.
                    Rick-rolled the parade
                    It was kind of cool.

    1. Exactly. I use those 3 to publicize and rarely spend much time there now as well. I anticipate even less as time goes by. When I think about the others, they are very impersonal compared to this. And the variety and the quality are unbelievable.

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