The Wisdom of Donald Trump – Libya, Irene and Reporters

Donald Trump at a press conference announcing ...
Donald Trump

A recent video by Donald Trump on Libya and the reporting of disasters.  His big thing on Libya, why are we paying for rebels who are likely Iranians and not demanding they pay us back, a good tirade.  The other is the “natural disaster reporting” conducted by the media.  This was recorded prior to Irene hitting New York City and he looks clairvoyant in his statements on the severity.

As usual, provocative and confrontational.

Donald Trump Talks About …..His Desk???

Trump Tower - Image via Wikipedia

“My desk is in my office”.  Great line.  Mr. Trump discusses the importance that his desk has in his success.  Great stuff, yet it makes pragmatic, logical sense, and so trivial at the same time.


The Wisdom of Donald Trump – Norway, Amanda Knox and the Debt Ceiling

Donald Trump & Melania enter the Oscar De LA R...
Image via Wikipedia

As usual, some direct and pointed commentary from Donald Trump.  As blunt as always, he says what he believes should happen to the Norwegian mass murderer, his view of the Amanda Knox saga in Italy and of course, some final words on the debt ceiling strategy of the Republican Party.  The debt video is from July 25, but hey, he still has an interesting take on who will be remembered a year from now when it will matter.



The Wisdom of Donald Trump – Don't Let Obama Push You Around

Donald Trump
Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr

Donald Trump has been pretty active on the YouTube front lately, and I’ve been to busy to keep up.  Attached is some advice for the Republicans that he posted on July 18.  Seems the latest “crisis” over the Debt Limit is giving the Donald something interesting to hammer both Obama and the Republicans at the same time with.  Still, you have to respect his acumen and give him some leeway.  He does know money, and how to both make it and keep it.

The Wisdom of Donald Trump – Debt Ceiling and The Republicans

Donald Trump in February 2009
Donald Trump - - Image via Wikipedia

A new video from Donald Trump, laying into the Republican Party and their moves on the debt ceiling debate that is dominating politics these days.  As always, he is succinct and direct.  He sums things up pretty food for 44 seconds of commentary.  He has the appearance and demeanour of someone who has not quite closed the door on his aspirations.


Donald Trump Discusses Jeter, Obamacare and Debt

Donald Trump in February 2009
Image via Wikipedia

From his series of videos, DonaldTrump gives his opinions on Derek Jeter‘s 3000th hit, the guy who gave him back the ball for nothing, Obamacare and how the republican’s should deal with the debt ceiling.  An eclectic mix done in true Donald Trump style.

Donald Trump Discusses Anthony Weiner

The Donald has some opinions on Anthony Weiner‘s penchant for Twitter and texting.  As usual he says what he (and a lot of people) think of the situation and sums up brilliantly.  Is Mr. Weiner going to give it up or continue to try and be credible where there is zero possibility of being considered credible ever again.  He is now being investigated  by police for texts to a 17 year old.  It keeps getting bigger and crazier.

Donald Trump Goes Golfing

No matter what you may think of the Donald, he is fun to watch.  Build a golf course in Scotland and 1 guy decides not to sell him the land.  The Donald didn’t take very kindly to this.  Check the link and see what he does about it.  The man has giant kohunas.