Music Trivia Question for the Day – September 17, 2012

English: The Beatles wave to fans after arrivi...
English: The Beatles wave to fans after arriving at Kennedy Airport. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The previous question was:

Q: In the song “A Day In The Life” by the Beatles, there is a line referring to a particular place.  What is Blackburn, Lancashire and why does it have 4,000 holes in it?

The answer is:

John Lennon wrote the song and read newspapers to gather some of the snippets in the song.  The Daily Mail on January 7, 1967 had an article about the town of Blackburn, Lancashire having a plan to fill 4,000 potholes.  The Albert Hall came from his imagination and the connector in the line “Now we know how many holes it takes to FILL the Albert Hall came from his friend Terry Dornan.  Up till then he had no idea other than something ____the Albert Hall.

A Day In The Life


A Gripping Life answered the question first and correct.  And she is the proud recipient of the Rebecca (LadyorNot) designed award,  Display it proudly and be ready to defend your title.

A Gripping Life – 1 win

Today’s question will move off the Beatles and move towards Elvis, well Sun Records anyway.

Q: Sun Records is famous for Sam Phillips discovering and recording Elvis, among others.  What was the first song released by Sun, and by who?