Weekly Photo Challenge: Orange

This week we have Orange.  Interesting choice.  I took this sunset photo on Kootenay Lake in September of 2014.  The pictures do not do it justice.

IMG_2149 13IMG_2148 13

Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie

Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie

This week’s challenge is to post an image of a selfie. I have used this one before, but I really like this photo.  We were on a 7 hour road trip from Calgary to Prince Albert, Saskatchewan.  What adds to the photo is my son’s dog.  He spends a lot of his time on trips like this, doing exactly what he is doing.  Paws on the dashboard watching the road unwind.

Vader shows us the way
Vader shows us the way


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Weekly Photo Challenge: Family

Weekly Photo Challenge: Family

This week we have been given the topic of family.  To me family is a far-reaching intangible.  I have my natural family, my in-law family, my work family, my far-flung friend family, among others.  Makes it very hard to choose a photo to post here.  To decide, I played some eenie meenie miney mo game and came up with this one.  We are bereft of grand children at this time, but, while we wait, we have a grand dog, our son’s King Charles cross.  Prepare to be cuted out of your socks.


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Weekly Photo Challenge: Grand

Weekly Photo Challenge: Grand

On a recent rip to the Canary Islands, we took a tour of the island of Lanzarote.  The island is about 80 miles off the coast of Africa and is an autonomous province of Spain.  The island has been inhabited by Europeans since the 14th century.  It was devastated by a volcanic eruption in 1730, which lasted until 1736.  Most of the island was covered by lava and ash, creating this landscape.  A very interesting tour.

The Moon on Earth.  Lanzarote Island, part of the Canary islands
The Moon on Earth. Lanzarote Island, part of the Canary islands


Weekly Photo Challenge: From Lines to Patterns

Today I try the newest challenge from WordPress.  The Weekly Photo Challenge : From Lines To Pattern.  I took this photo at St Pancras Station in London, UK.  This is where the Eurostar arrives and departs in London.  A great mixture of old and new.  It is also the station that Harry Potter uses to go to Hogwarts.

St Pancras Station in London, UK
St Pancras Station in London, UK

Weekly Photo Challenge: An Unusual POV

This week’s challenge – Weekly Photo Challenge: An Unusual POV.  I chose this photo taken from a canal boat in Amsterdam.  The city has about 1200 bridges, most similar to these.  This makes for some stunning views as you traverse these routes, especially where they join, as in this shot.

Amsterdam Canals
Amsterdam Canals

Weekly Photo Challenge: Sea

This weeks photo challenge is simply titled, Weekly Photo Challenge: Sea.  Those who follow me know that I have an affinity for the ocean, and may expect a shot of us sailing the Caribbean or something.  Not happening.  The shot I have chosen was taken in Eastbourne, UK in 2008.  Eastbourne is on the English Channel.  We were along the beach, when I noticed Lori’s young cousin standing on a pylon staring off into the sea.  I always liked this picture and am happy to have had this opportunity to post it here.  She captures almost exactly what I feel like when I am on or beside the sea.  The sheer power of the ocean, and the peace it usually has is awe-inspiring and  at the same time, contemplative.

The Nature of the Sea
The Nature of the Sea

Weekly Photo Challenge: Carefree

The task this week from WordPress is “Weekly Photo Challenge: Carefree”.  This was especially hard to come up with something.  I mean. 9 bajillion pictures and finding one that epitomizes carefree, a toughie.  Then I ran across this beauty from our trip into Barcelona in October 2012.  We were at a restaurant with some friends from the UK, when, quite suddenly, a pretty good thunderstorm rolled in.  We were seated outdoors, under a bit of a covered part of the sidewalk.  Wasn’t helping a lot, so we backed off closer to the walls of the building.  John decided to stick it out, showing not a care as he downed his tea in the driving rain.  Check the pounding rain on the pavement on the street, and a few very wet people.  Classic.


Weekly Photo Challenge: One Shot, Two Ways

This week we have “Weekly Photo Challenge: One Shot, Two Ways”.  An interesting concept.  With digital cameras, most pictures we take are multiple shots of the same vista, done in different ways.  This makes it very hard to come up with the perfect set.  We’ll give it a go though.

I took these shots at Waterton Lake, Alberta in Canada.  They are of a 1920’s vintage railway hotel known as the Prince Of Wales Hotel.  Quite a stunning site.  Waterton is part of the Canadian National Park System.  It straddles the Canada-USA border and borders Glacier National Park in Montana.  It was created in 1895m as Canada’s 4th national park.  It was October when we were there and it was not a classic weekend weatherwise.  Added to the photos though.

Prince of Wales Hotel
Prince of Wales Hotel

Waterton Lake


Weekly Photo Challenge: Foreshadow

This week WordPress has “Weekly Photo Challenge: Foreshadow”.  They suggest a storm or a flower budding out.  I chose some photos from our trip into the Laurentian Mountains in the Canadian province of Quebec.  We planned the trip for mid-October when the fall colours would be approaching their height, landing in Ottawa and renting a car for a cruise into Quebec City. Our route would take us into Mt. Tremblant, then on to Montreal, Quebec City and back to Ottawa.  A spectacular trip it was.

The Change
The Change
They'll be gone soon.
They’ll be gone soon.

In a week or two, the brilliant foliage will have fallen and then the area awaits the snow and the arrival of the many skiers.