Weekly Photo Challenge: Fresh

Nothing fresher than a glacier in Alaska. The prompt this week is Weekly Photo Challenge: Fresh.  The definition provided is “the definition for fresh has a bit of a fork in it – it’s a state (new, recent, previously unknown) and it’s a taste or sensation (cool, sweet, invigorating, refreshing). Fresh is definitely this cantaloupe (“melone”) granita I enjoyed recently here in Italy. It cooled me down immensely (and it didn’t hurt that it was delicious, too!) “.  Doesn’t fit, BUT, I have an out.

“In a new post specifically for this challenge, share a photo which means FRESH to you”

This fits very well.  Fresh can me refreshingly cool.  Taken as a panorama shot on my iPhone.

Hubbard Glacier, alaska
Hubbard Glacier, Alaska

Weekly Photo Challenge: Fresh