Daily Prompt: Mix Tape

This postaday thing is kind of cool.  Saves a hell of a lot of thinking, and I don’t have to do it every day either.  This one is interesting.  The instructions are simple enough:

Put together a a musical playlist of songs that describe your life, including what you hope your future entails.

Not bad only a syntax error and a minor spelling mistake.

Sounds simple enough.  Let’s give er a go eh mates.

Describe my life, hmmmm, describe my life, let’s see, describe my life.  No many songs that I can think of that involve working sleeping and working, at least not many I like anyways.  Gawd, this is tougher than I thought.  Let’s try the future.    Ah that’s better.

or, more hopefully

Yes, I want to become a pirate.  A pirates life for me.  I hope….and I dream.