Field Guide To Darryl Sutter Facial Expressions

IMG_7146.jpg (Photo credit: bridgetds)

I found this on Tumblr.  If any of you are hockey fans, you know about Darryl Sutter, coach of the LA Kings.  He has a penchant for unintentionally funny press conferences and is well-known for his demeanour.  Check this out for a good chuckle.


Field Guide To Darryl Sutter Facial Expressions.

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Helpful Signs – An Educational Series

Today’s helpful sign is easy to relate to on a personal level.  If I had a nickel for every time I watched the wrong side of a monitor, I would be pretty broke.  Is this warning label hell?  Is it a conspiracy to help the world on its dumbing down.  Is it a government job creation program (someone has to make and apply these labels)?  Did someone by Jimmy Kimmel a label maker for Christmas?

Look At The Bright Side
Look At The Bright Side

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What I Learned Last Week



A very educational week, I learned lots and am really looking forward to sharing.  As usual, there are some potentially life saving tips for you.


Camel (Photo credit: @Doug88888)


For example, did you know that crocodiles can climb trees.



People not familiar with snow, should not play with snow.  800 pound snowball slams into a dormitory in Portland, Oregon.


A camel escaped in Los Angeles, terrorizing residents for 30 minutes.  Story here.


Have a great week, and remember, if you being chased by a camel, or a runaway snowball for that matter, don’t climb a tree.  A crocodile may be waiting for you.  The world is getting more dangerous every day.


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What I Learned Last Week

Spearfishing (Photo credit: dmscvan)


It is that time of the week when I impress with my newly acquired knowledge.


First up, I learned how to have free suppers.  This guy kind of impressed me with his out of the box thinking.


Buy a first class flight ticket, and eat for free for as long as you don’t get caught


Second thing I learned, Kiwis are as laid back as Canucks.  This guy takes the all time record for being laid back though.  The events.


1. Go spear fishing


2. Get attacked by shark


3. Evade shark


4. Leave water


5.  Stitch wound yourself


6. Go for a beer at the local pub


Here’s the story.




Have a great week, and remember, live well and learn.


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What I Learned Last Week

Homer Simpson
Homer Simpson (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I love learning stuff.  I didn’t learn much last week, except these nuggets.

Apparently Homer Simpson is the first Earthling on Mars.  He dropped a jelly doughnut in front of a rover.

Tim Horton’s on Mars?

Canada’s most embarrassing export  goes for the “Lindsay Lohan Award”. Nice job Biebs, don’t call home.

Why the f–k are you doing this?

Vegas is going to make a lot of money.  The football picking camel passed on.

Camel rolls snake eyes

28 Days is becoming a real possibility for England.

Invasion of the cannibal rats

Perhaps fining people for taking children on airplanes is the next logical step?

End the madness!!




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What I Learned Last Week

Let’s see, what struck me this week.  Struck me and will, perhaps, stick with me.


Ian Fleming's image of James Bond; commissione...
Ian Fleming’s image of James Bond; commissioned to aid the Daily Express comic strip artists. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


1. It is freaking cold in Antarctica.  Like minus 135.8 degrees (F) cold.  Story here


2. James Bond drinks enough to be an alcoholic.  Some doctors, with way to much time on their hands, read all the Bond novels and measured his alcohol intake.  Story here


3. Winter driving is dangerous



What I Learned Last Week

news of the weird
news of the weird (Photo credit: massdistraction)


A great week for learning stuff.


1. A children’s TV show in Sweden has characters dressed as “poo-poo” and “wee-wee”. (Biss ock Kajs)



2. The pope used to work as a bouncer.


3. The hardest tongue twister is “pad kid poured curd pulled cold”.  Read about it here


.All in all, a successful week.