Canada Explained – 1 Myth At A Time – Beer

In a global society that the Earth is becoming, I feel it is time to explain what Canadians are.  This will be especially helpful to, well, everyone, because we are kind of invisible.  Once you have seen this series of videos, you will be experts on a lot of things Canadian.

Our first foray will be some factoids on our love of beer.

Canadians Like Beer

That would be the stereotype, we are beer swillers extraordinaire.  Now, take a peak at this chart:

As you can see, we are 14th in the world and dropping in consumption.  This, despite my best efforts.  I was surprised at number 1, I mean China??  I was going to look for a per capita chart, but could not insert, so here is a link which shows that Canada is only 23rd in the world in this measure.
Beer consumption per capita by country. Measur...
Beer consumption per capita by country. Measurements shown in litres. See List of countries by beer consumption per capita from the English Wikipedia for a detailed list. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Myth 1, debunked.

Author: John

I enjoy travel, sports, music and anything else that jumps up at me for the moment, which is why I blog. There will be lots of travel posts, pictures and our videos as well as a smattering of sports and humor. I enjoy promoting Canada and am unabashedly a proud Albertan

33 thoughts on “Canada Explained – 1 Myth At A Time – Beer”

  1. I’m not sure we should be proud of this. haha! According to the little color coded map, America is equal to England and Ireland. That’s really saying something. LOL!
    (The other visuals haven’t popped up yet.)

  2. Wow…shocked. Totally shocked. As a fellow Canuck I can’t help but feel we may not be exerting enough effort into this…or maybe Global warming has something to do with it. Hmmmm…..

          1. My, my….Not sure about Jericho for me, there was a love, hate relationship. But sad he got beaten by Dolf Zigler and now he is out, again…..

                  1. Must say, WWE have some good script writers? U 2? I can not go without my wrestling. Some potential, yes. Let us wait and see when he cashes in the money in the bank.

                    1. O yes, sorry, my bad! It is as u say. Smack down is on Friday on my side as well and yes, we are a bit behind here in South-Africa.

  3. Ha… Bob and Doug, a prized album in my collection. It was hilarious when I was 10 and it still is. Not too surprised on the beer thing cause I bet many switch to good ol Canadian rye whiskey once summer is over

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